"A tulip doesn't strive to impress anyone. It doesn't struggle to be different than a rose. It doesn't have to. It is different." ~Marianne Williamson
The tulip was a very different than any other flower in Europe at that time due to it's intense petal color. It was seen as a status symbol and was a coveted luxury of the elite. Due to the fact that it is grown from a bulb, which can take years to mature to a flowering plant, the supply was far less available than the demand. By 1636 the tulip became the 4th largest Dutch export. As with many increases in price due to popularity, the price eventually collapsed, leaving many to lose their fortunes that they had just recently acquired. The crash began in Haarlem when, for the first time, buyers did not show up for a routine bulb auction. It is believed that this was due to the fact that Haarlem was at the height of an outbreak of bubonic plague.
Whatever the reason for the collapse, luckily today tulips are now an affordable flower. Order an arrangement of tulips today from our flower shop in Henderson, NV!